Paradise Valley Unified School District
PVSchools Course Catalog
School Year
School Offering
Any School
Horizon High School
North Canyon High School
Paradise Valley High School
Pinnacle High School
PVOnline School
Shadow Mountain High School
Sweetwater Community School
Credit Type
Any Credit Type
American Government
American History 1-2
English 1-2
English 3-4
English 5-6
English 7-8
L.I.F.E. Concepts
Physical Education
Voc/Fine Arts
World History 1-2
School Year
School Offering
Any School
Horizon High School
North Canyon High School
Paradise Valley High School
Pinnacle High School
PVOnline School
Shadow Mountain High School
Sweetwater Community School
Credit Type
Any Credit Type
American Government
American History 1-2
English 1-2
English 3-4
English 5-6
English 7-8
L.I.F.E. Concepts
Physical Education
Voc/Fine Arts
World History 1-2
Signature Program
Any Program or None
NCHS International Baccalaureate
PVHS Center for Research in Engineering, Science and Technology
SMHS Digital Academy for Advanced Placement Scholars
SMHS North Valley Arts Academy
Any Prerequisite or None
NVAA Intro to Studio
1-2 and 3-4
1-2, 3-4, 5-6
1-2, 3-4, and 5-6
380 Honors Intro to Engineering: 381 Honors Principles of Engineering; 382 Honors Digital Electronics
Academic Support 1-2
Academic Support 3-4
Academic Support 5-6
Acceptance into NVAA Program / And/Or Teacher Recommendation
Acceptance into the CREST Computer Science Program
Administration and Staff Approval
Algebra 1-2 Geometry 1-2
Algebra 1-2 LS
Algebra 3-4
Algebra 3-4 LS
AP Physics 1
Automotive Technology 1-2
Automotive Technology 3-4
Automotive Technology 5-6
Biology and Algebra 1-2 (Taken Concurrently)
Biology, Algebra 1-2, Anatomy and Physiology (Taken Concurrently), Sports Medicine/Rehabilitation Services 1-2 or Instructor Permission
Biology, Algebra 1-2, Anatomy and Physiology (Taken Concurrently), Sports Medicine/Rehabilitation Services 1-2 or Instructor Permission
Biology, Physics, Chemistry (can be taken concurrently)
C or better in PreCal
Completing or concurrently taking Algebra 1-2
Construction Technologies 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Construction Technologies 1-2
Construction Technologies 1-2, 3-4, 5-6
Construction Technologies 1-2, 3-4, or 1, 2, 3, 4
Dance experience
Dance NVAA 1-2
Early Childhood Education 1-2, 3-4, 5-6
Early Childood 1-2
Education Professions 1-2
Enrolled in year 2 of the D.A.A.P.S. Program
Enrolled in year 3 of the D.A.A.P.S. Program
Enrollment in/completion of Alg 3-4 or higher
Fashion Design and Merchandising 1-2
Grade of C or better in Algebra 3-4 or teacher approval
Grade of C or better in previous English class
Health Care Assistant 1-2
Health Care Pathways 1-2
Hebrew 1-2
Honors 2D Visual Art Practices NVAA, Honors 2D Visual Art Techniques NVAA
Honors Comprehensive Musicianship NCAA/ and/or Teacher Recommendation
Honors Comprehensive Musicianship NVAA, Honors Music Studio Recording & Technique NVAA
Honors Conceptional Physics
Honors Dance Foundations NVAA
Honors Into to the Studio NVAA, Honors 2D Visual Art Practices NVAA
Honors Intro to the Studio NVAA
Honors Intro to the Studio NVAA/ and/or Teacher Recommendation
Honors Introduction to Engineering Design
Honors Mandarin Chinese 5-6
Honors Network Security 1-2: IT Essentials
Honors Network Security 3-4: Cybersecurity
Honors Network Security 5-6: Routing and Switching
IB Math SL Appl & Interpret
IB Math SL: Analysis and Approaches
IB Math SL: Appl & Interpret
Instructor Approval
Intermediate Algebra 1-2 or Algebra 1-2
Intro to the Marketplace is recommended
Introduction to Business
Mandarin Chinese 1-2
Mandarin Chinese 3-4
Mandarin Chinese 5-6
Mandarin Chinese 7-8
Marketing 1-2
Marketing 3-4
Marketing 5-6
Movement/Voice Actor NVAA or Instructor Consent
Must be enrolled in the DL/I program and have taken Mandarin 1/2 DL/I in middle school
Must be enrolled in the DL/I program and have taken Spanish1/2 DL/I in middle school
Must be part of the Dual Language Spanish Immersion Program
Network Security 1-2: IT Essentials
Network Security 3-4: Cybersecurity
Network Security 5-6: Routing and Switching
Networking 1-2
NVAA 2D Visual Art / Photo Processes in Visual Arts / And/Or Teacher Recommendation
NVAA 2D Visual Art, NVAA Advanced 2D Visual Art
NVAA Comprehensive Musicianship / And/Or Teacher Recommendation
NVAA Comprehensive Musicianship, NVAA Music, Studio, and Recording Techniques
NVAA Dance Performance: Dance Technique (or Instructor Consent)
NVAA Intro to Studio
NVAA Intro to Studio, NVAA 2D Visual Art
NVAA Introduction to Studio / And/Or Teacher Recommendation
NVAA Technical Theatre: Set Design/Construction (or Instructor Consent)
NVAA Theatre Performance: Movement/Voice for the Actor (or Instructor Consent)
NVAA Visual Arts: Intro to the Studio (or Instructor Consent)
NVAA Visual Arts: Intro to Studio / And/Or Teacher Recommendation
Participation in AP courses
Participation in first 3 years of DAAPS program
Pre-Algebra/Honors math course from 8th grade
Prerequisite(s) are required
Prerequisite(s) may be required
Prerequisite(s) may be required.
Prerequisite(s) or audition may be required
Prerequisite(s): Beginning Guitar or successful audition
Prerequisite(s): Portfolio review, or audition may be required
PVOnline Computer Science Fundamentals 1-2
Recommendation of previous science instructor
Set Design/Construct NVAA or Instructor Consent
Spanish 5/6 Honors Spanish Class and/ or Teacher recommendation
Spanish for Fluent Speakers 1-2
Spanish for Heritage Speakers 3-4
Sports Medicine/Rehabilitation Services 3-4 or Instructor Permission
Stagecraft 1-2
Student must have a permit before the end of the semester. A student who will be 15 years 7 months of age by the end of the first semester should sign up for driver's education course 695.
Student must have a permit before the end of the semester. A student who will be 15 years 7 months of age by the end of the second semester should sign up for driver's education course 696.
Students must be seniors and have successfully taken two other HS level Music Technology courses
Submittal of application and portfolio or previously enrolled in NVAA at Shea MS
Submittal of application and portfolio or previously enrolled in NVAA at Shea MS
Submittal of application and portfolio or previously enrolled in NVAA at SMS
Submittal of application and portfolio or previously enrolled in NVAA at SMS.
Successful completion of two levels in the program's coherent sequence; Administration and Staff approval.
Teacher Academy
The Emerging Leader First Year 1-2
This course is the second part of a two-part sequence. See description provided for Honors Computer Science Research Internship Projects I.
This course requires counselor, teacher and district approval and is typically reserved for Seniors or those who have demonstrated proficiency in AP Computer Science courses or comparable rigor.
Welding 1-2
Welding 3-4
Welding 5-6
Welding 7-8
Yearbook 7-8
Yearbook Production 1-2
Yearbook Production 3-4
Yearbook Production 5-6
Required Grade Level
Any Grade Level
9th Grade
10th Grade
11th Grade
12th Grade
Additional Course Details*
Dual Credit
Fee: Course Fee Required
Fee: Course Fee Not Required
Fee: Participation Fee Required in Addition to Course Fee
Fine Art
Repeatable for Credit
Travel Required
Travel Not Required
World Language
*Click for explanations
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